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Physical activity ideas

It is really important that your children stay fit and active during this time. 

They can play in the garden and you can take them on a long walk (please follow social distancing guidelines).

You could create an obstacle course in the house or garden, get the children to learn a new dance routine, have a house disco or learn to use a skipping rope! Any physical activity counts!

Below are some links found by our Sports Coach, Amy Neal, that may provide a starting point. Miss Neal has also uploaded her own dance workout video to YouTube that you can do as a family at home. 


 Joe Wicks Kids Workouts – Youtube  Hiit sessions for children  (5min videos can be done in a small space)


Go Noodle

Free to sign up for families and educators


BBC SuperMovers


 Cosmic Kids Yoga – YouTube


Healthy Futures –    In the event schools close due to the coronavirus you will receive a weekly food and activity log plus daily exercise videos to keep your children active! 


@GetSet4PE  will be tweeting an active task each day that schools are closed


Imovement : To sign up, all you need to do is use the link   its free to join just click on the link or follow on twitter @imovesactive   The imovement is separate to their paid for imoves and will be 100% free.


Change4life Activities for Children
