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Badger Class - Year 3

Welcome to Badger Class!


  Class Teacher: Miss Mundy

  LSA: Mrs Gibson


Contact:         Office:

Key information and parent letter.

Hello and welcome to year 3!

 A child’s education is most successful when parents, child and school work together towards the same goal. For this reason, we want you to collaborate with us and give your child the best chance of achieving their potential during their time at Mountnessing School. 

In year 3, we will be continuing our learning within the subjects we have learnt to know and love and begin to learn French! We will continue to follow the routines and structures we already have in school and develop some new skills.



Please can your child come to school dressed in their PE kit consisting of Mountnessing green top, green shorts, trainers or a black tracksuit. 


Forest school will take place on Friday afternoons after October half term until Christmas. 



As we settle into the new school year, the children will be set homework tasks on Google Classroom each week. This will consist of a maths and English task as well as spellings. These will be available on Monday and must be completed by the following Monday morning. Pictures of your completed homework will need to be uploaded onto Google Classroom so I can see your excellent work. It is important that all homework is completed as it provides an opportunity for children to practice and retain learning done in class.  Spellings will usually be set on Spelling Shed. Individual log-ins will be sent home with the children. 



It is great to encourage your child to read daily for pleasure and information at home from varied genres and text sources. Showing your child that you are also a reader and discussing texts when your child is reading is invaluable as reading is the key to lifelong learning, way beyond school days. Research shows that children who read for 15-20 minutes on a daily basis perform better in all subjects. Children are expected to read at home 5 times a week as part of their homework.



Now that the children are in key stage 2, snacks are no longer provided at break times. Children can bring in their own snack which needs to be a piece of fruit or vegetables. 
