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Mid Essex Anglican Academy Trust



Click here to visit Mid Essex Anglican Academy Trust website


In 2013, Shenfield St Mary's Church of England Primary School converted to an academy and became a part of the Mid Essex Anglican Academy Trust. 


Mountnessing Church of England Primary School converted to an academy and joined the trust in May 2018. 


Click here to view Shenfield St Mary's school website.


Bentley St Paul's Church of England Primary School converted to an academy and joined the trust in September 2023.


Click here to view Bentley St Paul's school website.


The Trust aims to provide a safe, secure and caring Christian environment, where every individual is an accepted and respected member of the school community. The children experience a wide ranging, thematic, creative curriculum, learn to the highest standard and have fun too.


There is a shared commitment to effective teaching and learning based on a well-planned and structured curriculum, underpinned by effective assessment. Children should become independent learners within well-organised primary classrooms and learning should be purposeful, matched to developing individual pupil abilities.


There are many positive outcomes for the school and therefore our pupils. For example:


  • the trust will benefit from economies of scale in areas such as payroll costs, training and staffing costs,; this will increase the resources we can spend on teaching and learning for our children;
  • training and development can cross over the whole trust, sharing expertise, raising standards and keeping up to date with new initiatives;
  • staff retention will improve with the trust being able to plan strategically for future leaders, giving them promotion and celebrating skills (staff retention and headteacher appointment is a significant national issue currently);
  • opportunities could be explored to support initial teacher training, developing ‘home grown’ teachers and apprentices (again a national issue);
  • there could well be good teachers and examples of good practice that St Mary’s can learn from (for example Mountnessing is a Forest School); and
  • accountability will increase with the school being compared to other schools in the trust.


The Trust has a long term vision of being four schools working together in partnership, with at least three schools being Church of England Primary Schools. At least two of the schools would be leading school improvement, one school having become a converter academy, with no more than two sponsored schools in the trust.
