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Reception Admissions

Children start at Mountnessing C of E Primary School in the September after their fourth birthday. We currently admit 30 children into the main school.


Admissions for Reception places are managed by the Local Authority. Essex County Council does not send letters to parents/carers about making an application for children to start reception. All of the application information is available on the website


The Admissions Arrangements can be found below. 




Mid-Year Admission Applications


A mid-year admission application should be made if you are looking to change your child's school during the school year.


Please be aware that your child is not guaranteed a place at your preferred school. You should not remove your child from their school before you have received another offer.


To apply to Mountnessing C of E Primary school, please complete this form, and return by email to




Please get in touch with the school office at if you would like to book a tour of the school.


We look forward to welcoming you to our school. 


Our admissions officer is happy to explain our admissions criteria further.  For pupils joining at any other time apart from when they are four years old, the mid-year admissions procedure should be followed. 




Would you like to see a presentation of the school?



Home / School Agreement


We require the parents of new pupils to fill in the home/school agreement. You will receive a copy for you to keep and the school will keep a copy too. If you have lost your form, please download a new form

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