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Home Learning Tips and Advice


This page has been set up to give parents and carers hints and tips for working with your children at home. 

You will find all the work set on the class pages of our website 


Please remember that the staff are still working and are here to support you. Just send them an email using the addresses found on the class pages. They are expecting emails from you all regularly with photos of work and pictures of your children. You can tweet us too with your work @MountnessingSch - Mrs Obank would love to see what you have been up to. 


I have created a sample timetable to give you all some guidance for a daily routine. I hope it helps. 

9.00 am

Joe wicks – tune in for workouts on YouTube

9.30 am

Home learning activities

10.30 am

Break and snack

11.00 am

Home learning activities

12.15 pm

Lunch time and play

1.00 pm

Quiet activity (read, times table practice, board game, puzzles)

1.30 pm

Project time

(Art, Research, PE, History, Geography, learn a language etc)

3.00 pm

Gadget time

3.30 pm

Help at home with some chores

(tidy room, washing up, prep dinner)

4.00 pm

Own  time

For many of you, the term ‘home schooling’ may fill you with dread. Please don’t let it. Teachers are parents too, and we know how hard it can be to get our own children to learn at home!

Please just do your best.

Work and activities will be set for each week. There will be a ‘daily to do’ of all the usual activities such as reading, spellings, times table etc and a list of ‘school closure activities’. These activities will last you all week. Pick one from each section each day and do your best. Remember – the children do not get 1:1 support always in school and shouldn’t need it at home either. We have tried to make the activities fun and engaging with a mixture of online work, written and play! It might be good to set a timetable with your child (see above) so they know what to expect, children thrive on routine and structure but on some days it is ok if that doesn’t work. As parents and carers, you already teach your child more than you realise - be kind to yourself, if the work causes upset or stress (for you or your child) then don’t do it. Change the activity and try again another time.

Teachers are at the end of an email during school time. Ask if you do not understand anything – no question is a silly question.

Remember to look after your own and your child’s mental health and wellbeing. The children are feeling just as anxious as you are and this may show in all sorts of different behaviour. Take some time out where necessary and try some mindfulness techniques. Show them lots of love. Teachers can help you with anything you may need, work questions, behaviour and support.


Remember to be careful with children learning online. They should use the internet in an area where adults are around and can keep an eye on what they are doing. Remind them to be safe online and put filters on things where it is necessary. If you have concerns about your child’s behaviour online – please do get in touch and we can help. There are many guides for parents on different apps, which can be found here  
